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A Comprehensive Guide
to Assistance Opportunities

Assistance for Agricultural

Conservation District

Success Stories!

A documentary created by Lamoille County NRCD

A day in the life
of a Natural Resources
Conservation District

Conservation Districts Are for Everyone

How Can We Help?

Our Mission

Dedicated to the conservation, maintenance, improvement and development and use of land, soil, water, trees, vegetation, fish and wildlife and other natural resources in Vermont, since 1980.



Natural Resource Conservation Districts (NRCDs) are non-regulatory entities that work with private landowners, farms, state and federal agencies, and other partner organizations to promote and implement conservation programs.

Learn More

NRCS – Soil Conservation 

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) presents a documentary on soil conservation pioneer Hugh Hammond Bennett, the history of our agency and the birth of the private lands conservation movement in the U.S.

Find Your Local Conservation District

Click on the map to learn more about your local conservation district!


Windham County Bennington County
Ottauquechee White River Rutland POULTNEY-METTOWEE Otter Creek Winooski Lamoille Caledonia Franklin Orleans Essex Grand Isle


About the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts (VACD)

The Vermont Association of Conservation Districts (VACD) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established in 1983 formed to conduct educational, scientific, charitable work concerning conservation, maintenance, improvement and development and use of land, soil, water, trees, vegetation, fish and wildlife and other natural resources in Vermont. READ MORE…


What We Do

The Vermont Association of Conservation Districts (VACD) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization established in 1983 formed to conduct educational, scientific, charitable work concerning conservation, maintenance, improvement and development and use of land, soil, water, trees, vegetation, fish and wildlife and other natural resources in Vermont.

The voting members of the association are the 14 Natural Resource Conservation Districts (NRCDs) in the State of Vermont.  Conservation Districts were established in 1939 as under the Soil and Conservation Act # 246.  Please see the Conservation Districts page of this website for a complete listing of Districts and more information their programs.

Celebrating Vermont Natural Resources Conservation Districts’ FY2024 Accomplishments

Let's celebrate the accomplishments of all the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts and Natural Resources Conservation Districts staff. Thank you to everyone who helped make it a great year!   

Vermont Association of Conservation Districts Welcomes Michelle Monroe as New Executive Director

Vermont Association of Conservation Districts (VACD) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michelle Monroe as its next Executive Director. VACD support’s the state’s 14 Natural Resources Conservation Districts (NRCDs) in their mission to implement conservation...

Lake Shoreland Restoration Work Continues in the Northeast Kingdom

Since 2009, the Orleans and Essex County Natural Resources Conservation Districts have been making strides in lakeshore restoration through the Northeast Kingdom Lakeshore Buffering Program (NEKLB). This initiative helps shoreland property owners by providing support...

Proctor Stormwater Master Plan Addresses Water Quality Concerns Along Otter Creek

The Rutland Natural Resources Conservation District partnered with the Town of Proctor to create a Stormwater Master Plan aimed at addressing flooding and water quality issues along Proctor's section of Otter Creek. The plan’s overall objective is to reduce phosphorus...

River Buffer Planting at Oxbow Park

This October through a Trees For Streams grant awarded by the Natural Resources Conservation Council and the VT Department of Environmental Conservation, Lamoille County Natural Resources Conservation District (LCCD) partnered with the Town of Morrisville and 15...

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