2017 NACD NE Region Meeting Archives

Check out photos, audio, and videos from the 2017 NACD NE Region Meeting.  


An Overview of Vermont’s Clean Water Act, Julie Moore, Secretary, Agency of Natural Resources, State of Vermont

Farm Policy and Conservation Districts: Understanding and Engaging in the Farm Bill, Eric Hansen, NACD Northeast Region Representative

NRCS’s Targeted Watershed Planning Approach in Vermont, Fletcher (Kip) Potter, Water Quality Specialist

Vermont Environmental Stewardship Program Pilot: Working Lands for a Better Vermont, Ryan Patch, Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets

Green Stormwater Infrastructure, Kerry O’Brien, District Manager, Caledonia County NRCD

Building Conservation Leaders, Kim LaFleur, Secretary-Treasurer NACD

Tribal Outreach and Partnership RPG, Michael Crowder, NACD 2nd Vice-President, Supervisor Benton CD, WA State


Vermont Environmental Stewardship Program (VESP)

New England Food Vision