The Rutland Natural Resources Conservation District partnered with the Town of Proctor to create a Stormwater Master Plan aimed at addressing flooding and water quality issues along Proctor’s section of Otter Creek. The plan’s overall objective is to reduce phosphorus contributions to both the Otter Creek and Lake Champlain watersheds. Funded through grants from the Lake Champlain Basin Project and NEIWPCC (New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission), and executed by Watershed Consulting with the facilitation of the Rutland Natural Resources Conservation District, the project was developed from April 2022 to August 2024.

The plan involved evaluating existing resources to identify potential stormwater best management practices (BMPs) and determining the most suitable sites for implementation in the town. Prioritization of these sites took into account factors like the potential for improving water quality, the environmental impact, the feasibility of the project, and any additional co-benefits such as educational or recreational opportunities for the community.

The final plan provided to the Town of Proctor was a comprehensive list of recommended stormwater BMPs for the town, along with guidance to move forward with development. This actionable plan not only provides a roadmap for addressing stormwater management and water quality improvement but also helps the town prepare for future flood risks and environmental challenges. By adopting these strategies, the town can contribute to protecting the health of the Otter Creek and Lake Champlain watersheds while providing additional benefits to the local community.

Map of potential implementation sites. Provided by Rutland NRCD.