Acknowledging Coventry for effectively addressing stormwater related runoff For Immediate Release Contact Sarah Damsell, Distict Manager, Orleans County NRCD The Town of Coventry recently completed a town-wide road erosion inventory and capital budget project plan...
For Immediate Release Contact Jeannie Bartlett, District Manager, Franklin County Conservation District This week the Franklin County Conservation District released nature guides created with help from Richford and St. Albans day campers. Campers contributed their...
Feeding the World, Nurturing Our Communities Media Advisory August 13th – 15th For more information contact: Luke Rackers, Communications Coordinator, Vermont Association of Conservation Districts (VACD), 303-952-0268 Background: Conservation...
History of the Land, by Jeannie Bartlett, District Manager Franklin County NRCD The land governed by the District today was built and carved over the course of millennia. Mountains much taller than the Greens we see today were thrust up by colliding continents and are...