Here at the District, we collect data for a VT Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets’ (VAAFM) study of tile drain sites across the state. Tile drains are installed under agricultural fields to drain off excess water in wet conditions to help crops grow more...
For the past two years, the District has been a part of the VT Dept. of Environmental Conservation’s LaRosa Water Quality Partnership Program which engages local watershed groups and citizens in water quality monitoring. Through this program District members and local...
Are you a college student, or will you be this fall? The goal of the Franklin County Conservation District’s $500 college scholarship program is to encourage young people from Franklin County to pursue careers in sustainable agricultural and natural resources...
Our tree sale, water quality monitoring and restoration projects rely on volunteers. Many of our partners in conservation and resilient local food systems also rely on volunteers to keep our environment and our communities healthy. We are launching a brand new...
The holidays are over, but one song is still playing through my head: All I want for Christmas is you. Because your participation – above and beyond what you’re already doing – is what we most want here at the Conservation District. Probably you are already doing...
– All things Tree Sale 2019 – Click Here – It’s still winter, but spring is just around the corner! It’s time to place your orders for our spring sales. The Franklin County Natural Resources Conservation District has been holding a spring tree...