Buttonbush for Butterflies and Awesome Aronia

Buttonbush for Butterflies and Awesome Aronia

Buttonbush for Butterflies- adapted from a blog post by Justin Wheeler for the Xerces Society, xerces.org Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) has one of the most unique flowers of any shrub, and butterflies think so too. Skippers, monarchs, and virtually any...
Tile Drainage: Good or Bad?

Tile Drainage: Good or Bad?

by Liza Lemieux, Franklin County NRCD Conservation Technician Tile drainage can have many benefits. By more quickly draining extra water from a field, the field can be accessed sooner for planting, crop roots can grow farther down, compaction is reduced, and soil...
Collaborating to Enhance an Oxbow Ecosystem in Fairfax

Collaborating to Enhance an Oxbow Ecosystem in Fairfax

Goose Pond is an oxbow pond rich with wildlife along the Lamoille River. When Flora Hurteau and her late husband conserved land there, they had trees planted along the pond’s edge and the high, eroding river bank. Four years later, though, only a fraction of the trees...
District Assists Farmers in UVM’s Nutrient Management Class

District Assists Farmers in UVM’s Nutrient Management Class

The Conservation District again provided one-on-one assistance to eight small, family farms participating in UVM Extension’s Nutrient Management Planning class. The 2018 graduates, pictured below with UVM and District staff, completed Plans that conform to NRCS and...
Young Farmers Converge in D.C.

Young Farmers Converge in D.C.

Three Vermonters traveled to Washington D.C. in November to join young farmers from across the country for the annual Young Farmers Coalition convergence. Damien Boomhower went to great lengths to put his young family and 60-head organic dairy in order so he could...