Essex Programs & Services

Locally-Led Conservation

Locally-led conservation is a community process of natural resource planning, implementation of solutions, and evaluation of results. It is an opportunity for people who value and steward the working and wild lands of Essex County to directly inform state and federal funding priorities. The Essex County NRCD invites participation from farmers, maple and Christmas tree producers, loggers, foresters, lakeshore and streambank stewards, town officials, hunters and anglers, snowmobile clubs, natural resource professionals, and any interested residents.

In spring 2025, we will be hosting a public meeting on the future of agriculture and natural resources in Essex County. This meeting will inform a request for federal funding specific to Essex County from the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Location: The Guild Hall in Guildhall, 13 Courthouse Dr., Guildhall, VT 05905

Date: Thursday, March 20 from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Lunch, childcare, and virtual options will be provided.

We also have an online survey that is currently live for anyone who lives, works, manages land, or recreates in Essex County.

Please contact Clara Fernandez Odell, Working Lands Specialist at or 802-535-8877 with any questions or to RSVP.

Agriculture and Forestry

  • Technical assistance in agricultural and forestry management: Free site visits, discussion, and evaluation
    of existing and planned practices, connections to expert engineers, foresters, agronomists, and other
    technical specialists as needed.
  • Free soil testing, manure testing, Pre-Sidedress Nitrogen Testing (PSNT) and Corn Stalk Nitrate
    Testing (CSNT): We provide soil, manure, and crop testing at no cost to farmers. Other free testing may be
    possible depending on circumstances.
  • Nutrient Management Planning: We provide personalized assistance for farmers planning nutrient
    applications, at no cost to farmers. This can include developing a Nutrient Management Plan for farms
    regulated by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets or one-on-one assistance with fertilizing decisions, regardless of size.
  • Navigation of state and federal requirements: We are a non-regulatory organization that can assist
    farmers in understanding and meeting Vermont’s Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs) and other state
    and federal regulations. We can also assist with finding financial support to comply with regulations through
  • Grant application and navigation assistance: We work with all producers to find grant programs that help
    them meet their goals. We stay on top of available federal, state, and private programs so you don’t have to.
  • Assistance can include every step of the process, including application, implementation, and reporting. Many programs pay producers for the good work you are already doing or allow you to implement projects that would otherwise be financially challenging

Habitat and Watershed Restoration

  • Watershed restoration program: This program aims to restore aquatic ecosystems to their most stable state for the benefit of human and natural communities. Projects include riparian and floodplain tree plantings through the Trees for Streams program, wetland restoration, native lakeshore plantings, road-stream crossing improvements, and habitat enhancement. These projects improve food for fish and wildlife, reduce flood risk, shade streams for cold-water fish species, slow erosion, and filter pollutants out of water bodies.
  • Upper Connecticut Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area: A group of partners from Coos and Essex County who identify, mechanically remove and treat invasive species in the Connecticut River Valley. Invasives such as Japanese knotweed (bamboo), oriental bittersweet, garlic mustard, buckthorn, Phragmites, and honeysuckle. We are currently working to improve opportunities for local contractors and town crews to be trained in invasive removal and treatment. Got knotweed? Get in touch.
  • Development of Tactical Basin Plans for the Passumpsic, Upper Connecticut, and Memphremagog watersheds: A program that brings recommendations from State and Federal agencies, watershed partner organizations, planning commissions, municipalities and citizens together in improving water quality, habitat, and flood resilience in the watershed.
  • Lake assessments and action plans: Assisting landowners in improving their lakeshore properties by implementing projects that reduce erosion, improve fish & wildlife habitat, and manage stormwater runoff. When grant funding allows, we provide free Lake Wise evaluations of lake properties. We can pursue grant funding to address identified concerns and improve the integrity of the lake. We take part in Lake Watershed Action Plans in the county, so far including Maidstone Lake (2022), Averill Ponds (2024), and Miles Pond (2024). Interested in an assessment?  Contact us.
  • Essex County native tree and shrub nursery: Our own native tree nursery located in Ferdinand, VT. The tree stock is grown from native, wild-collected seed and sold to conservation organizations and private landowners for restoration projects. Contact us to inquire about availability and pricing.

Municipal Planning

  • Town road management: Assisting towns with Municipal Roads General Permit requirements and grant applications to manage Hydrologically Connected Road Segments. Developing Capital Budget Plans for implementing roads projects to stay in line with the MRGP. Working with towns to replace aging infrastructure to restore fish passage and reduce flooding and washouts.
  • Hydroseeder rental: Towns may enter a cooperative agreement with the district to have access to a hydroseeder located in Brighton in order to ensure roadsides are properly vegetated to prevent erosion.
  • Green stormwater infrastructure: Assisting towns in identifying ways to collect and manage stormwater and helping find grant funds to put systems into place.
  • Hazard mitigation planning: Assisting towns with hazard mitigation planning and navigation of emergency disaster relief programs through Vermont Emergency Management and FEMA.