Tree Survivorship Survey - Franklin County Conservation District Tree Sale
Thank your for taking the Franklin County NRCD's Tree Sale Tree Survivorship Survey!
Why do we want survivorship data? Your data will help us figure out how to help increase survivorship and successful growth of your trees, and it may provide the opportunity for outside organizations to
sponsor trees (improving their carbon footprint and providing you with more free trees!)
Instructions: For each year you purchased trees from the Franklin Co. NRCD, fill in which species you bought. For each species in each year mark how many you purchased, size at
purchase, how many are still surviving and how many of the surviving trees show vigorous, moderate, and weak growth, as well as how many surviving trees show dieback. Describe how you
cared for your trees, causes of mortality when known, and any other comments. If you don’t remember every tree, just fill in what you can!
For each year, we have provided space for 10 species. If you purchased more than 10 species in one year and have kept track of the above information, feel free to submit the survey a second time with the additional information.