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State Natural Resources Conservation Council (NRCC)

The State Natural Resources Conservation Council (NRCC) was established by the Vermont Soil Conservation Act of 1939 to serve as an agency of the state. The Vermont statute declares that the policy of the legislature is to “provide for the conservation, development, and use of the natural resources of this State and that the lands, water, forests, and wildlife of the State of Vermont are among the basic assets of the State, and that the preservation of these lands, water, forests, and wildlife by conservation, development, and use is necessary to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of its people (10 V.S.A. § 701).”

NRCC’s mission is to advance conservation and water quality efforts in Vermont by providing strategic guidance, oversight, and operational support to Vermont’s Natural Resources Conservation Districts. NRCC contributes a local perspective on conservation policies and facilitates the sharing of information among members and partners. NRCC provides a forum for Conservation Districts to interface with state and federal partners and secures and allocates funding to Conservation Districts to carry out their day-to-day programmatic activities.



As a state agency, the State Natural Resources Conservation Council (NRCC), is governed according to state law as outlined in 10 V.S.A. § 703. The NRCC Board consists of nine voting members, which include six representatives from Conservation Districts, organized by regions of neighboring Conservation Districts, referred to as Supervisory Unions. As a member of the Supervisory Union, there are several responsibilities to serve on the board of NRCC, including but not limited to:

– Interface with and provide feedback to state and federal representatives attending NRCC meetings
– Help execute the business of NRCC
– Share the policies and activities of NRCC back to the Conservation Districts within their Union
– Supervise and oversee annual election of district supervisors

There are three additional voting members of NRCC. They include the Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources or their designee, the Secretary of the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets or their designee, and the Director of University of Vermont (UVM) Extension or their designee. Additionally, there are associate or non-voting members of NRCC who provide support, assistance, information and recommendations, and participate in discussions. They include the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) State Conservationist or their designee, and the Executive Director of the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts. The Board is tasked with overseeing NRCC’s mission of advancing conservation and water quality efforts in Vermont by providing strategic guidance, oversight, and operational support to Vermont’s 14 Natural Resources Conservation Districts.


October 16, 2024, 8:30 a.m. – Finance Committee Meeting

Additional meeting dates and Zoom login information to be added soon.