2025 Tree, Plant and Trout Sales
Annual tree, shrub, plant, and trout sales take place throughout the state of Vermont each spring. These events have a long tradition and are an excellent resource for native species planting, supporting local economies, and district fundraisers. We will update this page on a regular basis to reflect changes and timely updates. We recommend reaching out to Conservation Districts directly with questions on specific events.
Photos are from the 2017 Franklin County Conservation District tree sale preparation day.
Questions on how to plant and care for your trees, shrubs, or plants?
Check out this quick guide! Contact your local Conservation District for specific questions.
Franklin County NRCD
The Franklin County Natural Resources Conservation District has been holding a spring tree sale at least as long as our Board can remember – and that goes back to 1978! The primary goal is to make native trees and backyard fruit trees affordable and accessible in our community, and it is also a fundraiser for our conservation programs and education. In 2025, we continue to expand our offerings with the addition of five new deciduous hardwoods: the natives American Mountain Ash, Yellow Birch, Boxelder, and Black Willow, and the crowd favorite Weeping Willow. New varieties of strawberry, currant, peach, cherry, and apple round out our extensive edible and medicinal offerings, along with two new shrubs, the flowering Rose of Sharon and the fragrant Spicebush. We are also excited to offer two new native seed mixes that address erodible and compacted site conditions.
- To place an order and view available stock, please visit the website.
- All paper orders must be placed by February 28. Online orders must be placed by April 14.
- Pickups available in Highgate, Montgomery, and North Hero. Highgate: Friday, May 2 from 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM and Saturday, May 3 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Montgomery: Saturday, May 3 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. North Hero: Saturday, May 3 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
- For questions, contact Lauren Weston, District Manager, info@franklincountynrcd.org,
- We also offer a Trout Sale. Order here. Pick up date is Tuesday, May 6 at 1:00 PM in St. Albans at the Park & Ride at 48 Fairfax Road.
Lamoille County NRCD
- To place an order and view available stock, please visit our website.
- All orders must be placed by April 18th.
- Pick up orders at the LCCD office parking lot, 109 Professional Drive, Morrisville on Saturday, April 26 from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Orleans County NRCD
The Orleans County NRCD seeks to build community, promote land conservation, and provide access to quality bareroot trees, shrubs and other plants. Proceeds from the sale benefit the District’s important conservation programming.
- To place an order and view available stock, please visit our website.
- All sales are by pre-order (except for the excess inventory we have on Plant Sale Pick Up Day), and supplies are limited. The last day to place your order will be on Monday, April 7. Don’t wait!
- Plant Sale Pick up Day is Sat, May 3 at the Orleans County Fairgrounds in Barton.
- For questions, contact Sarah Damsell, District Manager at sarah.damsell@vt.nacdnet.net or 802-334-6090, ext. 7008.
- We also offer a trout sale. Order here.
Otter Creek NRCD
The Otter Creek NRCD tree sale continues in 2025!
- Pick up order form from the Farm Service Center or email pam.stefanek@vt.nacdnet.net
- Orders taken until everything is sold
- Pickup at Catamount Park, Suite B, behind the building, Middlebury on May 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
- For questions, contact Pamela Stefanek, District Manager at pam.stefanek@vt.nacdnet.net
Poultney Mettowee NRCD
The goal of this sale is to make native plants and fruit producing plants more available within the community. There are many benefits to using locally grown, native plants in your landscape. Native plants are more likely to thrive in our regional climate and they provide critical resources for wildlife. Consider these plants for backyard birds and pollinators, stabilizing stream banks and shorelines, or for use in rain gardens. We source our trees from Vermont (many are from our own nursery!) and neighboring states, when possible, to ensure that the plants we offer are adapted to and will thrive in the local climate and soils. New this year – Champlain Valley Native Plant Restoration Nursery T-shirts. All funds generated by this fundraiser are used to support District and Nursery educational and technical programming.
- To place an order and view available stock, click here.
- All orders must be placed by April 26
- Pick up at Champlain Valley Nursery, 685 York St., Poultney on May 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- For questions, contact Sadie Brown sadie@pmnrcd.org, (802) 287-6606
Rutland County NRCD
- Download the catalog and order form.
- Contact Katie Stiles, District Manager for more information at rutlandnrcd@gmail.com
- If you are ordering after March 28th, please inquire about availability before sending in your order and payment.
- All orders must be placed by April 18, 2025.
- Pickup at Rutland Highway Garage, 339 Northwood Park Rd, Rutland Town on Saturday, May 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
White River NRCD
The sale features butternut, chestnut, chokecherry, elderberry, hazel, hawthorn, red oak, shagbark hickory, tulip poplar, white oak, and yellow bud hickory.
- To place an order and view available stock, please visit our website.
- All orders must be placed by April 1.
- Pick up at 28 Farmvu Drive, White River Junction on Saturday, April 19 from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Windham County NRCD
Join the Windham County NRCD for our annual plant sale this year at Green Mountain Orchards! We offer plants for their landscape value, conservation value, revegetation value, and food value, for ourselves, bird species and other wildlife. The best way to maximize your planting success is to match the right plant with the correct soil and light conditions. If you have any questions concerning type of soil, water needs or care for the listed species contact the Conservation District.
- To place an order and view available stock, please visit our website.
- All mail orders must be placed February 28. Online orders must be placed by April 22. Plant supplies are limited, and we will fill orders in the order they arrive.
- Pickup at Green Mountain Orchards in Putney on Saturday, May 3 between 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Shipping is not offered.
- We also offer a trout sale. Trout sale orders must be place by Monday, May 5th with pick up on Wednesday, May 14th from 1 to 1:30 pm in Brattleboro. Order form and more information can be found on our website.
- For questions, contact Cory Ross, District Manager, ross.wcnrcd@gmail.com.
Winooski NRCD
The Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District (WNRCD) hosts an annual tree sale to help residents of our District access affordable native tree and shrub species and as a fundraiser for our organization. Proceeds from the sale are used to support our work developing and implementing on-the-ground projects that protect natural resources. We do not grow plants on site, rather we source trees, shrubs and starts from wholesale nurseries in VT, NY, MA & MI. We research each species to ensure that it is appropriate for planting in our District. This year we emphasize tree and shrub species that produce fruit and nut varieties for your enjoyment and for wildlife.
- To place an order and view available stock, please visit our website.
- Order deadline is May 3
- Pickup in Berlin (617 Comstock Road) and Williston (170 Boyer Boyer Circle) on Saturday, May 10 from 9:00-12:00 PM.
- Please contact info@winooskinrcd.org with any questions.