Are you a college student, or will you be this fall? The goal of the Franklin County Conservation District’s $500 college scholarship program is to encourage young people from Franklin County to pursue careers in sustainable agricultural and natural resources management.

Applicants demonstrating an interest in agriculture, natural resources or the environment are encouraged to apply. We seek to support education in fields including but not limited to environmental studies, sustainable agriculture, storm water management, veterinary care, horticulture, urban design, botany, soil health, pest management, and weather forecasting, to name a few. Other fields such as engineering, computer programming, business, literature, art and law may also qualify if the skills will be applied to agriculture or the environment.

We support students seeking post-high school education through technical programs, colleges and universities for the pursuit of Certificates, Associates Degrees, Bachelor of Science Degrees and Bachelor of Arts Degrees.

• Current resident of Franklin County, VT, and attended at least two years of high school in Franklin Co.
• GPA of 2.5 or higher (4.0 scale)
• In the fall of 2019 will be a first- or second-year college student
• Has not previously received a scholarship from the Franklin County Conservation District
• Complete application received by September 15, 2019, including: application and all required documents (cover letter, transcript, documentation of college enrollment, and one or two letters of reference.)

Selection decisions are made by the Franklin County Conservation District’s board of supervisors. Selection is based on the following criteria:
• 30% Interest in agriculture, natural resources or the environment. Demonstrated depth of thought or problem-solving abilities related to these fields will rank higher.
• 30% Experience (work, volunteer, or personal project) in agriculture, natural resources or the environment. Demonstrated long-term or time-intensive commitment in these fields will rank higher.
• 30% Likelihood to achieve the planned degree of education. Demonstrated ability to follow-through on academic and/or workplace commitments will rank higher.
• 10% Financial need

Selections are made without regard to race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status. Neither do we give preference to applicants with personal, familial, or professional connections to the District.

Applications must be received no later than September 15, 2020. Applicants will receive notification by October 15, 2020. Successful applicants will receive payment by the same date.

You may fill out the application online, on a Word Doc emailed to, or on a physical copy from our office at 50 South Main St. #20, in St. Albans (same as the USDA Service Center.)

We look forward to reviewing your application!

Apply Now

Recent Scholarship Recipients:

  • 2018 Chase Deyette
  • 2017 Jacob Deso
  • 2016 Allison O’Brien
  • 2015 Hannah Choiniere
  • 2014 Brian Deyette
  • 2014 Caryssa Yates