Our tree sale, water quality monitoring and restoration projects rely on volunteers. Many of our partners in conservation and resilient local food systems also rely on volunteers to keep our environment and our communities healthy. We are launching a brand new bi-monthly email for volunteer opportunities. By signing up, you will learn about opportunities with the Franklin County Conservation District and our partners to:
• plant trees
• monitor water quality
• track wildlife
• monitor & report precipitation
• steward a restoration site
• glean produce from farms for food shelves
• help a farm bring in the harvest
• enhance water quality and habitat on your own land
Volunteers for the tree sale or other programs receive up to 20% off their tree order and the opportunity to purchase overstocks at cost. If the program grows we may be able to offer other discounts as well. Contact Jeannie at franklincountynrcd@gmail.com or 528-
4176 to learn more or sign up – access to email preferred but not required to be on the list. Thank you!

Volunteers Needed to Monitor Precipitation
The Community Collaborative for Rain, Hail and Snow (CoCoRaHS) is a network of citizen scientists working across the country to measure and map precipitation. Data is used by the National Weather Service, emergency managers, USDA, students and teachers, farmers, Conservation Districts, and more. Unfortunately, there is currently very little data for Franklin County. Want to volunteer? You will need an approved rain gauge and basic training, then you will measure and report every precipitation event from your home. Help fill in a piece of the weather puzzle! Visit CoCoRaHS.org to learn more or email Jeannie to sign up.

rain gauges